Florida's New Must-Have Amenity: Yacht Slips
 | Forbes

Florida's New Must-Have Amenity: Yacht Slips

What began in Miami three years ago as a pandemic-era effort to indulge in as much outdoor recreation as possible soon gave way to an enormous upsurge in the number of well-heeled Miamians owning boats. But as big-ticket expenditures tend to do, that luxurious indulgence soon generated the need for yet another creature comfort.

After all, what’s a yacht without the yacht owners possessing a home in an upscale building with its own private marina? And by extension, what’s a marina without your own boat slip for your yacht? The result: many Miamians have not only purchased a boat but are considering the acquisition of a yacht slip at one of the more prestigious developments within the city’s most exclusive enclaves.


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